Our blog features.

Our blog

Professional advice at the touch of a button

The topics in our blogs are inspired by real questions we’ve had from the people we work with. Brimming with everything from developments in tax and finance to business tips, our blog is regularly updated and always available for you to use as you wish.

This is also where you’ll find some of our forthright opinion pieces and commentary. We’re not insecure about giving our take on pressing matters every now and then – we’re open for suggestions on what to cover, too!

Blog articles

Stay up to date with our latest blog articles.

Budget update – third time lucky

Budget update – third time lucky

The chancellor announced tax rises calculated to be around £24bn in the third financial announcement in as many months. Completing a huge U-turn in government tax policy.   Tax rises by stealth   The amount at which tax is paid has been frozen for over 5...

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Pros and Cons of Timesheets

Pros and Cons of Timesheets

For a business, understanding how and when work is being completed is essential.    Timesheets are a tried and tested way of understanding employee input and measuring profitability.   As with most things, there are pros and cons to using timesheets. Here...

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Food and drink – when is it tax deductible

Food and drink – when is it tax deductible

You may be travelling to see clients. Having meetings in cafes, grabbing a sandwich whilst you’re out on the road. You may think this is all a tax-deductible expense, but we are afraid this is not always the case.

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